First and foremost thing is that you should always use Agrochemical products belong to a reputed company. Unless you use these Agrochemical products within some reasonable restriction they can make a mess of the normal ecological system.
Just follow next few lines to get to know how excessive and indiscriminate use of pesticides and insecticides might prove to be detrimental for eco-system and your agriculture as well.
The butterflies and bees help to pollinate the crops when they go for collecting honey from flowers. But if you kill butterflies and bees at your spray-time your production must yield to low. So try to use them with possible restriction. You should pay attention on good quality pest-control products. Using of crop duster is highly beneficial in this regard.
At your spry-time and using time you should keep watch on different factors like:
- Your pesticides and insecticides must not spread out from your corn-field to other places.
- You should keep notice on your field water and wastes, so that pesticides and insecticides cannot mix up to other tanks through a trickle down.
- You should not clean your pesticides and insecticides container in a pond or tank or in a reservoir.
- You should hoist a red colour flag to indicate that you have used pesticides or insecticides to your crops.
- You should set up a scarecrow to horrify other animals and birds to keep them away from your field.
About the Author:
Andrew Hornby, a Modern Writer, Writes Articles on
Pesticide Products
Agricultural Pesticide Suppliers Pesticides and Insecticides
Fungicide Suppliers UK Herbicide Products
Pesticide and Insecticides suppliers